Proactive Retirement Planning - Retire Dumaguete and Siquijor

Retirement Planning For a Move to The Philippines

This blog is directed at the many retirees, especially in America, who are experiencing difficult times in their country and want to do some retirement planning. We need to make it absolutely clear that, at Retire Dumaguete, we are non-political. We recognize that as a company, it’s inappropriate for us to express any partisan political views. But we also believe it’s acceptable for us to recognize the unusually difficult times people are experiencing everywhere but especially in America. While it’s too late to avoid the present challenges, would it not make rational sense for retirees in America and elsewhere to start planning ahead, rather than waiting for the next inevitable crisis to happen? It doesn’t matter if it’s political, social, an international economic crisis, or a world pandemic. It’s trouble for retirees than can largely be avoided with proactive planning

The Questions You Must Ask Yourself When You are Doing Retirement Planning

What if you are already retired, or soon will be? What do you want from the remainder of your life? What is important to you? What is not? How would you describe the type of retirement life you want to live? Have you considered living abroad to live? If so, have you arrived at either a positive or negative conclusion? If positive, what steps have you taken to make your plans a reality? And which stage of the process are you at?

We had an interesting meeting at the office earlier this week. Most of our colleagues attended. There were several Americans and Canadians, also one person from Ireland and England. We discussed the impact of the C19 virus and the dramatic change on the political landscape in our respective countries. Much of the focus was on America and England.

We reviewed conversations we’d all had with family and friends and also with foreigners who remain in Dumaguete because of travel restrictions. What was startling to discover was the almost complete uniformity in thought by all parties that concluded we were most fortunate to be living in Dumaguete and the surrounding areas, rather than be stuck in our countries of origin.

The same response came from all but four of the nearly one hundred foreigners we interviewed. They are citizens of America, England, Australia and New Zealand. Almost predictably, the folks from New Zealand wanted to be home not only because the virus is not a threat there, but because they badly missed attending the current Australia v New Zealand international rugby matches!

The most concerned people in our office and foreigners visiting here were American. They were disturbed by the high numbers of infections and deaths in America. Today, October 18th, 2020, in America there have been 222,000 deaths and over 7,000,000 confirmed infected. In England, 44,000 have died and 706,000 have been infected. Those figures are the worst in Europe. In Ireland, the second wave has now taken hold. Very soon the country will again be on complete lockdown. Social unrest is growing daily. The new Irish government, an unusual coalition, is on shaky grounds.

England is experiencing difficult political and social unrest from the C19 virus, but also from the decision to leave the EEC. This has caused divisions in society not seen since Margaret Thatcher held power.

Retirement planning

Everything is significantly worse in America than in most countries. Our colleagues in the office are regularly in touch with family and friends. What they report is sad for what had been an inspirational country for the rest of the world. Regardless of who wins the presidential election and which side has control of the house and senate, societal unrest with accompanying violence is a probability. The recent plan by a militia group to kidnap the governor of Michigan and kill officers is a chilling reminder of the danger facing America.

While it’s tough on the younger generation, they have time of their hands to recover. Retirees do not. We never could have imagined current events unfolding there as they have. Americans have rightly been proud to be citizens of a great country that had for so long been a beacon of hope for the world. But American retirees who had been anticipating a peaceful retirement there are now faced with a serious dilemma. They have worked hard, played by the rules, and reasonably expected to enjoy a good retirement. Much of that is questionable nowadays, but also in the future, so proper retirement planning with a tropical destination in mind like The Philippines is important now more than ever.

Dumaguete Boulevard during Covid

The contrast between America and Dumaguete is dramatic. Here in Dumaguete, our American visitors are amazed by the calmness and tranquility of the locals who unquestioningly accept life as it is for them rather than what they may want it to be. While disaster darkens the spirit in Western countries, here in Dumaguete and the Philippines, people are used to experiencing calamities and hardships. They accept these situations as an integral part of the life process, as inevitable as morning light follows the night’s darkness. They help each other in ways Westerners cannot imagine, let alone do. The saying in the Philippines that “Happiness for one is happiness for all. Sadness for one, is sadness for all” holds true here in good times and bad. People’s optimism is infectious. Their laughter is contagious. Their ability to love is magnetic.

Perhaps the lack of social and political harmony in America, and awareness of Dumaguete offering so much, are reasons why, at Retire Dumaguete, over the past four months, the number of American retirees inquiring about coming to live in Dumaguete has tripled. What’s also happening that hadn’t happened so much before, is many retirees living in America, realizing the presently modest prices in Dumaguete will inevitably rise, are buying lots, building their dream retirement home, or buying already built quality homes for investment. They are renting these properties until travel restrictions end and they can come and enjoy life in what Forbes magazine has named one of the best retirement destinations in the world, and the Philippine Retirement Authority (PRA) has named Dumaguete the best place in the entire country to retire in.

Why not be as wise as other retirees? If you are one of them, then good for you. But if not, and you need help with your retirement planning to our region, why not contact one of our ambassadors and chat with them? They will answer any concerns you may have about making Dumaguete your retirement destination, and also answer general concerns you may understandably have about moving from your country. All of our ambassadors experienced doubts before they made the decision to live here. They can share a wealth of experience and will happily discuss the challenges they faced before coming to Dumaguete. They will also provide you with accurate information that will enable you to finally make a wise, informed decision about your retirement planning.

The Effects of Covid 19 on Dumaguete Expats

Who Are the People Retiring To Dumaguete?

Talk to Our Ambassadors





